Florence Bühr


Florence Buehr creates photos and photomontages of landscapes, seascapes and urbanisations, which she composes using analog middle format scans. This method allows her to intensify the atmosphere of a place as well as highlight important elements in her memory. During this process reality is often altered or even entirely distorted. Her art therefore often tends to unsettle the viewer, as her photos don't seem natural despite them appearing to be physically possible. In the eye of the artist these collages are created similarly to the way images are formed in our memory: by combining only those impressions which we have consciously or unconsciously selected. The less important ones are discarded along the way.

Short CV: 

Florence Bühr


1978 born in Kempten ( Allgäu), Germany
2000-2006 Academy of Fine Arts Munich, Media Art, Prof. Klaus vom Bruch
2003/ 2004 Scholarship University of Art and Design (HfG), Karlsruhe
Lives and works in Germany and Portugal


2009 debutant exhibition-project at Kunsthalle Kempten, sponsored by BBK Schwaben Süd e.V., bavarian State Ministry of science, research and art, the LfA Förderbank Bayern and Kunsthalle Kempten)
2011 Prize „Förderpreis der Dr. Rudolf Zorn Stiftung“, Kempten


Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung, Munich

Solo Exhibitions

2009 Kunsthalle Kempten
2012 Goethe-Institut, Munich
2013 „Salon für Kultur und Kommunikation“, Munich

Participating in project: 
Pils Design